Empowering Antenna Owners

Uniting ADS-B enthusiasts to reclaim ownership. Join us today!

About the Project

Empowering Antenna Owners

We aim to democratize ADS-B antenna networks. Now that ADS-B Exchange has fallen into commercial hands, we want antenna owners worldwide to take control. Join us today to make this change.

Our goal is to create a global community of antenna owners and ensure they have ownership of ADS-B networks. Let's work together towards this objective and give power back to the community.

Starting from a vision to shift control, we want to make an impact by uniting antenna owners. By joining forces, we can shape the future of ADS-B networks collectively. Join us in this journey.


Strategic Roadmap for Project Success

Our startup project aims to revolutionize the ADSB antenna network by placing control in the hands of antenna owners. Join us today to be part of this groundbreaking change.


Plan Ahead

Strategize efforts to attract interested parties.


Community Engagement

Engage with antenna owners globally to build a strong network.


Network Expansion

Expand the reach of the network by connecting with more owners.


Technology Integration

Integrate cutting-edge technology for seamless operations.


Global Dominance

Establish dominance as the go-to network for antenna owners worldwide.


Join Our Startup!

Let's innovate together and shape the future. Connect with us to collaborate on our exciting startup project.